Hi there! ๐Ÿ‘‹

I am Utkarsh, a 20 y/o undergrad student! ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŽ“

Besides being a full-time student, I am an open source advocate, a software developer, and a somewhat-polyglot developer.

I am also a Debian core developer, maintaining & working on over 900+ packages (written in C, C++, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Go, and Perl), including some key packages like the Ruby interpreter, Rails, GitLab, some Python libraries, Micro, and libgit2. Besides, I also co-maintain the fasttrack.debian.net service & act as an FTP Traine.

I was Google Summer of Code student twice (once in 2019 and then in 2020, both times in Debian, where I authored my “baby” project, RuboCop::Packaging, which is a linter and an auto-corrector, written in Ruby, helping downstream Ruby teams (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, et al).

And finally, I work on Debian LTS, a project by Freexian, extending the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5 years, where I patch and backport security fixes for packages in the APT archive for oldstable and oldoldstable releases.

Besides, I am a philatelist, a semi-occassional drummer, an avid reader, and have perhaps mastered the art of sticker fights!

Please feel free to hit me up if you want to get in contact or want to know more about me. I go by the handle utkarsh2102 across the web! \o/